Saturday 30 June 2012

A poem for Speedy by Speedy's Mum

Having been on a visit to  Zantippy Skiphop a great blog about poetry written by Zantippy for children,I was inspired to write a poem for Speedy as she has a page on her blog for us all to leave our own creations.As it came out ok I thought I would post it here for everyone to enjoy and inspire some others to take a look at Zantippy's work and prehaps write some creations too!
                                      Speedy The Cheeky House Rabbit!

                                          He's a cheeky one that Speedy
                                 He goes on adventures in his magic closet
                                         Bringing along his bunny chums
                                                 To all these fun places!
                                          He's a naughty one that Speedy
                                    He does his disappearing Houdini act
                                                That little escape artist
                                           Where he goes no one knows?
                                           He's a funny one that Speedy
                                               He loves playing tricks
                                                    Especially on me!
                                          He's a speedy one that Speedy
                                     He always races around everywhere
                                         He zooms here,he zooms there
                                                He zooms everywhere!
                                          He's a cheeky one that Speedy
                                      Speedy The Cheeky House Rabbit!


  1. I LOVE the 'who, me?' expression on Speedy's face. A sweet, innocent, bunny is all he is! (Riiiight..)

    I love your poem! Its Speedy to a T. :)

  2. Adorable!!! Absolutely love it!
    And we love Cheeky Speedy!
    xo, Katie & Glogirly

  3. Excellent poem--and Speedy looks adorable all wrapped up and cozy. :)

  4. To Lorna,Katie and Jade,
    That my baby boy all right,cheeky adorable and butter wouldn't melt in his mouth....heehee!xo Speedys mum

  5. Great poem!! Speedy does inspire the artist in us all. You should paint him! I might give painting a Speedy portrait a try myself.

    1. I might try that my self too...maybe...when I have time

  6. What a great poem! Speedy - yous one lucky bunny!

    1. Hello Nellie,thanks for visiting Speedy is a lucky bunny thats why he stays out of trouble...heehee.xoxoSpeedys mum

  7. That's a GREAT poem! I showed it to my brother Seville and he really likes it too. Pretty high praise, I think 'cause Sivvers is a bit of a poet himself, you know. purrs

    1. Thank you Nerissa and Seville,this was my first go at poetry.xoxoSpeedys mum

  8. so cute! You should make it into a song!

    1. no music talent I'm afraid,but never mind.xoxo Speedy's mum

  9. He's a cutey too! (Nice work!)

  10. yes he is a cutey,my baby boyxoxoSpeedy's mum

  11. Hi, Speedy's mom!!! I just saw this post! It's one of my favourite poems, thanks for sending it to me!

    1. Thank you for inspiring me,it was fun to do,Speedy's Mum


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