Monday 10 December 2012

Christmas Count Down 10th December!

Today is 10th December!Only 15 more sleeps to go!Yippee!
I am carrying on with my Christmas Count Down Surprize Give Away and here is the next entry this is from Hannah and Harrington and their Mum Michelle at The Raspberry Rabbits it has a huge collection of Bunny decorations in cluding a Bunny tree topper!cool huh!

 And a new friend sent this one to me,he's called Bosco from iambosco and he does lots good work for good cause's and is a fun loving pup who lives here in the UK like me!
Doesn't Bosco look great in his Santa Hat?

Don't forget to enter my Christmas Count down send your Christmas Tree with your selve's in it if possible to me at rachel dot dejong28 at googlemail dot com and the on I like the best will win a surprize gift after Christmas the last post for the Christmas count down will be 24th December,Christmas Eve!


  1. That is a cool bunny and a cool Bosco!

  2. I love the tree topper! Bosco is so adorable in his hat :)

  3. The bunny-decorated tree is great.

    Bosco has the sweetest expression. I think he might like cats.

    1. I think you could be right about Bosco he does have the look,xxSpeedy

  4. Oh Wow! A Bunny tree! That is cool!

  5. How awesome a bunny tree! I went to Bosco's blog the other day but my computer was being crazy and I didn't get to leave a message. He's a really cute pup!

    1. I love the tree and Bosco too!,xx Speedy and mum

  6. Haaaa, Bosco looks fantastic, he's a great pup, we popped over to say hello :) Have a great day Speedy, wrap up warm, it's freezing today in th UK :) xx00xx

    Mollie and Alfie

    1. Very cold but I did go out just for 5 minutes,Bosco is a fun pup!

  7. Bosco, you´re a purrrrfect Noel Dog!

  8. Bosco is adorable!

    Oink oink,
    Katie and Coccolino the mini pig

    1. Yes he isthat photo makes me want to give him a big kiss,xx Speedy's mum

  9. errrr, ummm...Bosco kind'a looks like he might like that Santa hat like totally GONE...just an observation...paw pats, Savvy

    1. Maybe or maybe he thinks his humom is a bit silly,xx Speedy


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