Tuesday 18 December 2012

Christmas Count Down 18th December

Today is 18th December and that means only 7 more sleeps to go!This is so exciting!Here is to days entry to my Christmas Count Down Surprize Give Away and its from Mr Black at The Kittini Boys
Looks like Mr Black is Santa watching doesn't he?
And Its not to late to enter my Christmas Count Down Surprize  give away so get you cameras out and send in your photo's of you trees and decorations with your selves in if possible and send them to me at rachel dot dejong28 at googlemail dot com the last post for my give away is on Christmas Eve 24th December and the one I like the best will win a surprize gift after Christmas!So What are you waiting for I need some more entries!

Here's another Photo from my home all Christmasfied
Here's my kitchen lit up.Catch you tomorrow!


  1. Hawoooo Mr. Black! Good to meet woo,


  2. Hope Mr. Black reports to all of us when he sees Santa coming down the pike. That is such a pretty tree. And Speedy, your house looks great too. Take care.

  3. Love the decorations! I can't have very many around because of a certain mischievous puppy - so I appreciate the work it takes! Looks lovely!

    1. Thanks,but you can have some stuff just make sure Linus can't reach it,xx Speedy and mum

  4. Hello Speedy! Thanks for sharing my photo and entering me in your contest. I might make some new friends, too!

    Love those blue lights in your house.

    1. Hi Mr Black you are welcome,its a great photo,xx Speedy

  5. We love Mr. Black!!!

    ...your house looks beautiful all Christmasized!
    xo, Katie & Glogirly

    1. Thanks Katie we love Mr Black too!,xx Speedy and mum

  6. Rachel, I've been enjoying these posts so much. I'm sorry I haven't been able to say so as often as I should. I am finally able to get back to volunteering at our shelter/sanctuary. All our bunnies send you all love, AJ

    1. Thats great news Aunite Jane and don't worry we know you're thinking of us even if you are busy take care of the bunnies,xx Speedy and Rachel

  7. We will see if we can get our Mommy to decorate so we can enter. Mr Black looks very handsome with his tree.

  8. Just a hop and a few binkys away now, eh Speedy?

  9. OH,i LOVE your kitchen all lit up!! so festive!
    That sweet black cat looks so much like my Midnight, RIP....I have seven cats right now----all of them were strays. The momcat ( I have her too, now) had 2 litters of kittens in my garage and back yard. I got them spayed/neutered and ended up bringing them indoors when it got cold, since I coudlnt' find anyone to take them. They are all so sweet!
    Merry Christmas to all of you!! You can find me on Facebook----Lee Steele in Texas.

    1. Thanks Lee but we are not on face book,but sound like you have a great kitty family merry christmas to you too!xx Speedy and mum

  10. Is that not the best photo of Mr. Black!
    And your kitchen - wow!

    1. Hehehehe...thank Nellie and yes its a great photo of Mr Black,xx Speedy

  11. Your kitchen and Mr Black look wonderful..Not long now Speedy :) xx00xx

    Mollie and Alfie

    1. Hehehe thanks Mollie and Alfie...hehe no not long now!xx Speedy

  12. Mr. Black is our new friend - love the picture!

    Oink oink,
    Katie and Coccolino the mini pig

  13. Christmasssssss is nearrrrrrrrrrrrrr!

  14. Hey! That cat looks like my Spider...only less evil.

    1. Spider is not evil he's just an adventurous Scamp that's all,xx Speedy

  15. The peep has taken like... zero as in nada as in no pictures of Christmas stuff. I'm gonna go have a little chat with that peep. purrs

  16. meowsers!! Speedy, you and your family go all out for the holidays! pawsome decorations all over!!


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