Tuesday 11 December 2012

Christmas Count Down 11th December!

Today is 11th December And we continue with my Christmas count down surprize give away but to day I don't have any proper entries but I have been sent some fun Christmas themed Photo's from a Nellie's friend Lee in Texas she  has this pet blog  taxcatscat
This is Kendall with Buddy
This is Lee's Grand puppy Rocky
Its not to late to enter my Christmas Count Down Surprize Give away,all you need to do to enter is send in your photos of your Christmas Tree's and Decorations and if you can get your selves in the Photo even better and send them to rachel dot dejong28 at googlemail dot com.
So what a you waiting for?Get Christmasy at home!

Nellie from Cat From Hell sent me her virtual Christmas card too

And to give you a Christmas tree and decorations fix here's another one from me!The baby tree with lights.

Baby tree lit up!
And one of our stair way too!


  1. I love all of the great holiday cards too!

    Nubbin wiggles,

  2. Everyone and every thing sure looks terrific!

  3. Hi Speedy!
    We just sent you a pic so we could enter your cool giveaway!!!
    : ) Katie & Glogirly


  4. Speedy, thank you so, so, so much for all this Christmas cheer. I hope all of you are as merry as you are making us. All of these entries have just been wonderful. Please thank everybody for me. I guess you could send out some super-sized snuggles to them, too. I loved mine. I don't know how many super-sized snuggles a little bunn has to give. Mum sure needs one. Please ask her for one for you from me.

    1. Don't worry I get plenty of snuggles from Speedy,and they are simply the best,xx Rachel

  5. Awww such a great comPIGtition, whee should enter! How do whee send our pigtures over?

    Merry Pigmass

    Nibbles, Nutty, Buddy & Basil

  6. Oh, Mollie told me about your contest! Wow, I've never met a bunny before...well, I did once, but he ran away while I was chasing...err...saying hi to him in my backyard! BOL! :)

    1. never mind you weren't to know that was a little naughty,xxSpeedy

  7. Oh Speedy, you and your mum sure do love Christmas! You guys have some great decorations!

  8. Love looking at all the photos. We'll send you one soon.

  9. Speedy, I luvluvluv your countdown to Christmouse! pawsome, Savannah

  10. This is such a fun countdown Speedy and Rachel. Ya'll are the best.

    1. Heehee thanks Shell*getting shy now*xxSpeedy and Rachel

  11. Great pictures but we don't have any yet. Hopefully soon ...

  12. Look at that cute little baby tree! It is adorable! You are pretty lucky to have a big tree and a baby tree and all those beautiful outside decorations too :D

  13. I love your picture of the stairway all decorated! I used to have a2-story and miss having stairs to decorate now! It looks so festive! That picture of Kendall with Buddy--I just realized when I created it, I warped it,so they are skewed. lOL!! Thanks for sharing our pics on your page!
    Here in central Texas, we are finally FREEZING!
    Merry Christmas,
    Lee in Texas

    1. Thanks Lee we have enjoyed sharing them,we have been for a while but we have rain coming tomorrow but it will still be cold with it,xx Speedy and mum

  14. I always feel so christmassy when i visit you Speedy:-)

    1. Thanks Misaki but you're quite christmasy you self without decorations,xx Speedy

  15. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  16. Right, I've got to sort this out, we have no tree up. I can't get the staff Speedy..I will have to impawrise wiff this photo competition :) Love the trees xx00xx

    Mollie and Alfie

  17. Oh Wows! Me sees Kendal and Buddy and Rocky! And Me and Kozmo with our Christmas card! Thanks yous Speedy! And me loves your stairs. We has not lived where we has had stairs since me was a young cat!

    1. Love your new Christmas Icon Nellie and your card,xx Speedy
      p.s you'll always be young in my eyes Nellie,xx Speedy

  18. Great pictures!!

    Oink oink,
    Katie and Coccolino the mini pig


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