Saturday 29 December 2012

I got Mail from my pal Dalton at Wagg pet foods-Daltons doggy diary!

Just before Christmas I was asked by my pal Dalton at Wagg pet foods -Dalton's doggy diary to try some Wagg treats for him and his sponsors.Mummy kept them for me until Christmas day,for me to try them for a review.
Here's some photo's from opening them to the tasting:
They are called Carrot Bakes!
They look nice and you only need to give them one at a time as they are quite big!
You get quite a lot in the pack!
Mmmm Tasty and Crunchy!
Mummy I like these!
Mummy you can get some more of these I think they are very nice!Mummy do these come in other flavours?
Mmmmm Nom Nom Nom!
I been having these every day and they are scrumptious,I just can't get enough of these Carrot Bakes.They are a must for bunnies!To find out more visit Wagg pet food under Small Animals.
Thanks Dalton for asking me to try these for you.


  1. NOM NOM, SPEEDY! Hooray for Carrot Bakes!

  2. Mmm carrot bakes! They sound pretty delicious for a bunny!

  3. That sure sounds like you got some yummy ones Speedy!

  4. Guess we gotta stay on top of these. Nice review Speedy. And nice of you to work hard at testing them! Speedy goes the extra (carrot) mile!

  5. You sure look like you are enjoying those.

  6. RG, it is a very tough job, but some bunny does have to do it. I only hope they help Speedy build up his energy reserves after his recent adventure. I am a big fan of KB, but as a literary critic he seems to be sleeping on the job. Oh, well, it is the holiday season and the best thing about it for me is these wonderful bunny and kitty pictures. Thanks to all!

  7. Ooooooh, Speedy, they have Apple Bakes and Beetroot Sticks. I would like the Beetroot Sticks, but wouldn't blame you if you stuck will you Carrot Bakes. We really sound like hicks, but I do want you to learn a bit about Texas. Well, as I was saying, we say if it ain't broke, don't fix it. In Texan, it means you can stick with the Carrot Bakes. I'm sure Mum is not going to disappoint you.

    1. (snorting, chortling giggles here in Oklahoma) Speedy, the ONLY thing you need to know about Texas is...TEXAS SUCKS! BOOMER SOONER!!!!
      And DANG, OSU (Oregon State) and OSU (Oklahoma State) BOTH orange and black and both CHOKE when it comes down to it.
      Congrats on the Alamo Bowl, there, Juana.

    2. Speedy, I am sorry Auntie Brandi uses such language around a sweet, shy, nice young bunny boy like you, but unfortunately, I am afraid she has summed us up rather aptly. We always come in last at whatever humanity in general deems good and first in whatever decent men and women consider monstrous. This is not the Tequila talking. I don't really drink. Two of our players were suspended from the team before the game Brandi congratulates me on. They are innocent until they are proved guilty of the accusation, and I am (a) praying they are innocent and (b) hoping for an appropriate response if they are not. Sorry to burden you with this, Little Nephew, but I am afraid you will hear more from Auntie Brandi or Kitty Girl as she is now being referred to in some quarters, as January 4th approaches. On that day my Dad's alma mater will show her, her whatever they are called, how to play football. And Speedy your ears and nose are really looking nice. This winter looks suits you well, as do the spring, summer, and fall looks. Snuggles, Little One. Sorry about the people talk.

    3. Hehehehe you too are funny! I shall do some digging on Texas and Oklahoma too hehehexx Speedy

    4. I got a joke for y'all
      How do you get a Texas Aggie out of a tree?
      Wave at him!
      Ah, this one's a classic...

    5. um Auntie Brandi um what's a Texas Aggie?xxSpeedy

    6. Brandi, I don't get the joke. Seriously, I don't get it. Speedy, I think you can safely disregard anything Brandi says about Texas Aggies, but I don't think either of us should deprive ourselves of finding out what she comes up with.

  8. Wow you lucky thing! We love treats! And rabbits. Erm, scratch that one. Put it down to us being cats.

    Meow from Au, Target and Guido and a Happy New Year to you and your family.

    1. Hehehe I know,as long as its not us pet bunnies!xx Speedy

  9. Nom-Nom-Nom!!!
    Enjoy those cool treats, Speedy!
    : ) Katie

  10. Yummy! Yummy!
    me LOVES having treats! And Especially at Christmas!

  11. You sure look like you were enjoying that super yummy treat!

  12. Yes, Speedy, thanks for all that hard work at testing and reviewing those treats. The buns here think I need to check those out.

  13. It's a hard job testing treats but someones gotta do it..BOL xx00xx

    Mollie and Alfie

  14. Yum, sure look good!

    Oink oink,
    Katie and Coccolino the mini pig

  15. The buns around here tend to be picky eaters... shame! I'm glad you enjoyed them!

    1. they still might like them ,I'm a picky eater too!xx Speedy

  16. Thanks for doing a great review pal, and I am so pleased you liked em! If you know of any UK bloggin pals oo would like to review any of our treats just get them to give me a shout!

  17. They look like really tasty treats!
    + Happy New Year Speedy!
    Your blog has been short listed for the 'Animal Tails Award Ceremony 2012'!!
    To see what you've been short listed for and whether you've won, please visit:

    1. Thanks Hannah and Willow,will be right over,xx Speedy

  18. Don't be working too hard, Rachel. Happy New Year to you and yours!

    1. Tired today had to work today but not tomorrow cooking Duck with orange and Cointreau sauce with roast potatoes and a mix of veggies then my winter crumble with brandy cream! and I might make some mince pie parcels too!

  19. Oh, dear, you are rubbing it in again, Rachel. I am getting the idea that you are a gourmet cook as well as a gourmet Christmas card maker and gourmet house decorator. Guess what happened just a minute or so ago? The door bell rang! Fen, ran down and retrieved a package for me. There was a message from Santa's Little Bunny Helper and from Rachel. It said Merry Christmas. It is New Year's Eve here, but we are still saying Merry Christmas and Happy New Year here. Inside I found a beautiful necklace. It is so lovely. You and Speedy have been so kind. This lovely necklace will be a new way for you to brighten everyday. Previously, you had done it with your wonderful adventures, good advice, encouraging words and sterling example. Thank you both so much. Now you two snuggle up and get some rest, sweetest dreams, a really refreshed tomorrow, a great dinner, and Peace and Blessings for this coming year and all the ones to follow, Your Lucky Auntie Jane

  20. Just want to wish you a very Hoppy New Year.

    Nibbles, Nutty, Buddy & Basil

  21. Artemis, my bunny, is practically drooling over those carrot treats! You are one lucky bunny, Speedy :)

    1. hehehehe mummy say's she would like to see some pictures of Artemis,xx Speedy

  22. love the review.. you are one lucky bunny! =^..^=

  23. Sophie, our 3 legged foster kitten eats pumpkin. Now she's eyeing those treats of yours Speedy. Watch out--Sophie hops faster than a bunny!

    1. hehehe...not as fast as me,super fast Speedy,xx

  24. Your a gorgeous bun bun if I do say so myself. our Mum used to have a belgian hare as a house bunny, and she misses having a bunny in the house. Those treats look yummy though.


    1. thanks Slobbers,for visiting,Shame your mummy hasn't another house bunny,xx Speedy


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