Thursday 13 December 2012

Christmas Count Down 13th December!

Today is 13th December and that means only 12 more sleeps to go!YIPPEE!Here's the next entry to my Christmas count down Surprize give away this is Anna and her "bald Puppy"(baby) she is from Alabama,isn't this a cute photo?
Any Way its not to late to enter my Christmas count down surprize give away the last post will be Christmas Eve 24th December!So what are you waiting for get you homes decorated for Christmas your trees up and your cameras out send the photo's of you trees or decorations with your selves in them if possible and email them to me at rachel dot dejong28 at googlemail dot com!

Today I had a Christmas card from my mum and dad,see isn't great?

And I thought you would like to see my stair way with the lights on,so here it is.


  1. Those are all terrific pics Speedy and your lights are so pretty!

  2. Speedy! Your lights are beautiful and we are so envious taht your mum and dad sent you a card!! Is that a rabit thing?? Just curious...

    -Bart and Ruby

    1. nope mummy said thats what mummy and daddy's do,but may be thats them,but I love my card,xxSpeedy

  3. I love those photos of you with the Christmas card!

  4. Dear Speedy, It may be difficult to explain all the intricacies of Christmas card sending to Bart and Ruby. Mum and Dad sent you one, but you and Mum and Dad sent me one. It arrived by the Royal Mail on the 12th of December. It is so very lovely and I will treasure it always. If I don't frame it, it will be put in my "Life's Great Moments" folder which I look through over and over, very, very frequently. My first and only Christmas card hand made by a bunny's wonderful Mum, written by a Bunny, stuffed with bunny snuggles and kisses, and salutations from the whole family. It is precious. But, Speedy, you told Santa, I had been extra good this year. That was very brave and very gallant of you, but I hate to see a pal as special as you go out on a limb like that. I don't want Sir Speedy to have done anything to tarnish his knightly reputation. You see Speedy, I haven't exactly been "extra" good this year. I have certainly been extra fortunate though! Thank you and Mum and Dad so much! Speedy, there is one thing I did want to mention. You may want to provide the Royal Mail with some of Dougal's bunny rocket fuel. You see the envelope says you mailed it on 06.12.12. That is June 12th, 2012, but it did make it! Maybe magic doors next time? I mean,if it should ever get to be July without your having mailed your Christmas cards. Thank you Little One and please thank all the family, too. Love, kisses, and snuggles, your Auntie Jane

    1. 06.12.12 is how the english do the date means 6th december 2012,and family stick together so vouching to santa on your behalf is no problem at all and I think Santa would be ok with that,love big snuggles and kisses Speedy

  5. I love my Speedy card, too, Jane! LOVE the lights and how festive your house is, Speedster!!! I am cleaning cleaning and switching out the bunny pen from the dining room and hard wood floors to the breakfast nook with tile floors! I cleaned everything with champagne vinegar because I could not find my white vinegar. I hope the bunnies noticed a difference in fragrance, because I sure did. I am craving a salad now! So I am getting there, Speedy. But remember, my household celebrates Christmas on January 7 (Julian Calendar), so I got some time yet! But just in case I don't make it time for your giveaway, rest assured I am going to definitely enter the next one!! And perhaps it would be unfair of me to enter this one because your mum already sent me that awesome mini stuffed Speedy to snuggle!

    1. But we still want to see Auntie Brandi!and we are joining you and will keep ours up till after then too and have a small christmas celebration,xxSpeedy and Rachel

  6. Brandi, I don't think we can really expect ourselves to think of fairness when it comes to Rachel and Speedy goodies. As a gesture of solidarity and as a prayer that the Church might be One, I am having Christmas on the 7th, too. Happy Christmas! AJ

    1. See all is good we shall celebrate all together one big Family,xx Speedy

  7. Speedy you must be too excited to even sleep!

    1. I am !but I can always snooze though...hehehe,xx Speedy

  8. the baby is just adorable and I love your pink lights!

  9. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  10. What a cute bald puppy! Your lights look really nice Speedy. I FINALLY got to do some Christmas shopping today for my bald puppy.

  11. Oh,those lights are SOOO pretty!!! and you,Speedy, are so super white and pretty!! and the black dog by the tree is a real winner!
    Lee in Texas

    1. Hehehe thanks Lee,that photo is good so hard to chose,xxSpeedy

  12. That picture has to be the funniest I have ever Your house looks beautiful Speeedy xx00xx

    Mollie and Alfie

    1. hehehe thats a great photo isn't it,thanks,xx Speedy

  13. We love those pics! Pretty lights.

    Oink oink,
    Katie and Coccolino the mini pig

  14. Your photos made me feel all Christmasey!


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