Saturday 1 December 2012

The count down to Christmas!

Today is the 1st December!So the count down starts to day and to mark this count down I would like everybody to send me photos of their Christmas Decorations and if you can get your selves in that picture even better email them to me at rachel dot dejong28 at googlemail dot com,as the photos come in I will post them and the one I think is the best will get a Surprize Gift after Christmas....So what are you waiting for get those cameras out,those decorations up and send them in!
                                                   Your Pal Speedy!
My Christmas Den!
Our Big Christmas Tree!


  1. Hi ya Rach and Speedy!
    I love your tree. Such pretty colors. I'll try and get some photos taken today.

  2. That's such a cool idea! We'll see what we can come up with. :)

  3. If my peeps ever get the decorations out, I'll certainly send you a picture!

    Nubbin wiggles,

  4. Sounds like fun Speedy! I hope to get my decorations up this weekend.

  5. What wonderful pictures! Sir Speedy, your site is going to to be my Advent Calendar! I am afraid I would have to get brains and talent out before I got out the other things your Mum has requested. Would you mind asking her if we lesser mortals can just be grateful and enjoy all the doings and seeings that go on here? Oh, Speedy, have I told you today that you are one precious, sweet, beautiful bunn? I would hate to think that I had so mismanaged my time that I had failed to do that. Oh, and thanks for getting me weller everyday.

    1. Auntie Jane!*speedy doing hoppy bunny dance*here's more snuggles and bunny kisses...hehe..xx Speedy

  6. That is very cool Speedy! We can wait to see the photos!

  7. I just sent in a photo of me and my first furrever christmas tree, thanks Speedy for asking. paw pats, Savannah

  8. Oh what fun Speedy, wez will get our camera out, and when we get our tree up, we will be clicking away :) Have a great Sunday xx00xx

    Mollie and Alfie

  9. Such fun, we will give it a try!

    Oink oink,
    Katie and Coccolino the mini pig

  10. Such a great idea!
    Mummy is aiming to put our tree up this week:-)

  11. Speedy your Den is looking amazing! I love the tinsel! I'm afraid though when ever Kirby sees it he mostly wants to eat it!


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