Sunday 2 December 2012

Count down to Christmas! 2nd December!

Today is 2nd December! Yesterday I launched my Count down to Christmas Surprize give away
where I would like everybody to send in a photo of their Christmas tree or decorations with them selves in it too if possible and I will post them here as they come in then the one I thinks is the best will receive a surprize gift after Christmas.So get you trees up decorations up and your cameras out and get those photos to me at rachel dot dejong28 at googlemail dot com !
I have my first entry already from Savannah at Savannah's Paw Tracks

And if you look closely Savannah is underneath the tree behind a present....hehehe!

But today I have also some exciting news my friend Remy from One Blue Dog gave my this wonderful award
So meet the lovely people who started this award and to read all the rules for this award which the main ones are as follows:
1:Select the blog you want to give the award to
2:Write a post about those blogs that you want to give the award to,theres no limit to how many blogs to give to and present the award to them.
3:Link back to the blog that started the award and tell about the rules
4:Link back and thank the blog that gave you the award.
5:Let the blogs know that you have given them the award and share the rules with them.
6:Add the the badge to your side bar...the other stars are at the above link.
There are 6 stars to collect....that's right 6 stars so you can receive this award many times to collect all 6 Stars.This is my first STAR! WoooHooo!

Anyway I would like to give this award to:
First I want to give it back to my Friend Remy
Nellie from Cat From Hell
Cody from Cat Chat
Coccolino from My Mini Pet Pig
Lorna from Fuzzy Creatures
Moshi's adventures over the rainbow bridge

Sorry if you haven't been mentioned for the award as you all deserve it but theres all ways next time!

But Don't forget to enter my CHRISTMAS COUNT DOWN GIVE AWAY!


  1. I sure hope I remember to send you a tree pic!


  3. Thank you for my award, my fuzzy godson. :) I was hoping to get my tree up today.. but looking at the mess I have to clean up before my parents arrive tomorrow.. it may not get done. But as soon as it is, you'll have a picture, I promise!

    1. can't wait to see it Auntie Lorna,this if fun I'm glad I did this...hehehe,xx Speedy

  4. Oh Speedy! CONCATULATIONS TO YOUS! me is giving yous back the award! So now yous has more stars!
    AND-----Thanks yous thanks yous thanks yous!
    Me NOW has all my stars! Me is so excited!

    1. Oh that is exciting Nellie and thanks for my second star too and that means I get to give to other blogging friends to...I like this Christmas season,its very jolly and fun!xxxxx Speedy

  5. What a lovely tree! Congrats on your award from Remy!

  6. What a wonderful idea! Was debating whether to out up Christmas tree with foster kittens around. We already downgraded from a big tree to a mini tabletop. But hurricane kittens could destroy it. Will think of something clever!

  7. Congratulations, Speedy. Remember you will always be all the stars in the sky bunny for us.

  8. Hi Speed, its Me again!
    Me has gots all my stars, so me wants to thanks yous for giving me my sixth star. If yous goes to my post today ( ) you can download a special star for yous!
    Kissies Nellie

  9. Gonna be some pretty pix!!!! We'll try.

  10. thank you sooooooooooo much!!! We deeply appreciate it!!!! We probably won't be blogging about it but we want you to know we are super flattered and we soooooooooooo appreciate it! Love, Cody

  11. Still working on that picture!

    Oink oink,
    Katie and Coccolino the mini pig

  12. Congrats on the award!
    Looking forward to seeing all the entries to you contest!

  13. Savannah's tree is so brightly and beautifully lit up!
    Congratulations on your star, Speedy. We gave you one too! :)

    1. thanks for giving me a star,don't for get to enter too,xx Speedy

  14. Oh My Cat!!! I was the firstest one??!! And I can see ME? Can you? I luvluvluv my tree! Thank you so much Speedy and concatulations on getting this award, paw hugs, Savannah

    1. yes you were,and yes I could see you too and congrats to you for my next post from today,xx Speedy

  15. Congratulations, Speedy! And thank you too :D


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