Thursday 20 December 2012

Christmas Count Down 20th December!

Today is 20 December how many more sleeps to go?That's 1 2 3 4 5 Sleeps to go!I'm so excited I can hardly sleep.It's still not to late to enter my Christmas Count Down Surprize Give Away,to enter just send me you photo's of your Christmas Decorations and trees with your selves in them too if possible and send them to rachel dot dejong28 at googlemail dot com the last of any photo's will be posted on Christmas Eve 24th December! get them in to me by 4pm UK time on the 24th as that is when the last post for my give away will be written!The one we like the best will win a surprize gift after Christmas.Here's today's entry it from Sarah at Three Cats and a Girl

Aren't these lovely?Now Don't forget anyone can enter!

Today Mummy got some mail from Lavender Rabbit hoppen,Mummy entered last months give away and she won one of the items up for grabs!

The Parcel
The contents,Look bunny chews for me too!
Pretty case!

G-Bopp cute isn't it? 
And me with one of my Willow Chew rings!
Thank you Donna for sending me these Willow Chew rings with Mummy's Prize,I love these as Mummy loves her G-Bopp


  1. That was a great prize to win!!! Jey, I see three cats in thoses great pics but didn't see a girl!

    1. Sorry Brian She couldn't get her self in the picture too.It was a great prize,xx Speedy and mum

  2. NEAT O FRITO! I am watching The Nightmare Before Christmas on Netfix. Sarah needs a Dutch bunny to chase those kitties attacking the Christmas Tree! Sure, they look all laid back and nonchalant, but in those minds nefarious Christmas Tree destruction plans are hatching!

    1. hehehehe not all kitties are scamps like Spider,xx Speedy

  3. So fun to see my babies on someone else's page :) Thanks for featuring them! Too bad I didn't have a pic with me in it too...
    :) Sarah

  4. I love those photos of the kitties and the tree!!

    Nice box of loot you got!

  5. What a beautiful present! And your prize looks very nommy too. The kitties look like they are having a fun party under their tree.

    1. Thanks Ann,I think you're right they are having a party

  6. Oh Wow1 Nice presents for both of yous! Just in time for Christmas too! Wes all getting pretty excited here too! There has been lots of paper to chew on and shred and roll in and ribbons, and smells and lots and lots of cool stuff to eat!

    1. Hehehehe here to,its so exciting mummy lets me run around the house now with her,so I get to see all the christmas tree and Decorations,xxSpeedy

  7. Great post! I am so excited for Christmas!
    Love your prize - it's lovely! Looks like you are really enjoying those chew rings Speedy! :D

  8. Fantastic prize Speedy, love the Christmas photo :) Not long now xx00xx

    Mollie and Alfie

    1. Thanks Mollie,I can't wait till Christmas,xx Speedy

  9. What a lucky bunny you are! We're still trying to get Them to put up the Tree so that we can join in with your competition. Hopefully we'll just make it in time.

  10. Love the silly catty kits napping under the tree!

  11. Replies
    1. thank you Merry Christmas to you too! xx Speedy and mum


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