Thursday 6 December 2012

Christmas Count Down 6th December!

Today is 6th December and I am continuing with my Christmas Count Down Give away and today's entry is from Ann at My Pawsitively Pets
Say hello to Nibblet Ann's Pet girl Rat,She's loving the Tree!Send your entries to me at rachel dot dejong28 at googlemail dot com

Blog of the Year Award 5 star jpeg
And I have receive another Star for my Blog of 2012 award that means I have 5 Stars!
How exciting....from my Pal Misaki who has All 6 Stars!
For the rules and Badges visit now to pass this on to more friends
Brian for all his good work,merry Christmas Brian's Home
Tails From the Foster Kittens
Mollie and Alfie
House of Rabbits
Pet Blogs United
Daltons diary of a doggy-waggfoods

And finally with a little help from a nice lady at a local charity shop we have our bunnies for the Nativity under our Tree,this nice lady called Polly has kindly loaned us a pair of bunnies so we want to say a big thank you to her and Merry Christmas!
Here they are!

Mummy and Daddy gave me an early Christmas Present my own Play Pen so that I can play without getting into trouble when they are busy to be playing constantly with me.And when they aren't busy they keep the gate open so I can come and go and now I can stay with them all the time when they are down stairs!I love my Play pen!
Look mummy put some pretty stuff on it too!



  1. Those rabbits are really cute I love them! And your playpen looks awesome too. I need to make Nibblet some sort of playpen as well.

    1. Hehehe thanks Ann,Nibblet is cute do you think she would like a ride on my back?,xx Speedy

  2. We saw Mr Rat..BOL Speedy, what a wonderful present, your own bunnie pen, how super cool :) Fank youz for the Stars..Wez all Stars now :) Have a great Thurzday xx00xx

    Mollie and Alfie

  3. Pe-esssss Wez love the bunnie'z :) xx

  4. That Nibblet is such a cutie!!! Hey, your play pen is terrific Speedy!

  5. That little ratty is so cute in the tree. But do you know what? We cats get in trouble for climbing the Christmas tree. So not fair... purrs

    1. Rats are small so don't cause to much damage and Cats well you guys are quite a bit bigger than Nibblet Not that you cause damage on purpose its just a natural by product of a cat in a Christmas Tree....sorry!but you do have other fun things to do!xx Speedy and Mum

  6. Oh my goodness Speedy, I missed my name on the star list earlier, thanks for the final one I needed pal!

    1. Another wish for Christmas granted...I love this Christmas stuff its fun,xx Speedy

  7. Nibblet is having such a fun time on the tree. :)
    The play pen is really great for you to stay close to your Mom and Dad. Congrats on your 5th star, Speedy. Your 6th isn't far away!

    1. yes she is,and yes it is for me and my mum and dad,And thanks!xx Speedy

  8. Cute pics! Love your new play area - what a great idea! I should fashion something like that for Linus!

  9. That rat looks my old buddy Dr. Vortex. That is what my son named him. He grew up to be the most awesome companion ever.
    A Speedy pen! YAY.

  10. Sweet little rat. Love your new play area Speedy! Woo hoo!

  11. Thank you for the STAR, Speedy!!! xoxo
    ...looks like you're going to be having BIG fun with your new pen!!!
    ; ) Katie & Glogirly

    1. he leaves my carpet alone now which is much better

  12. I have those same 2 ceramic bunnies! I put them out with my Easter displays.
    When I was in high school, someone was giving away I got a huge box and took one home. I told my mom to stick her hand in the box (but do not look)...she was afraid to...then she felt fur and screamed. haha...she ended up KEEPING the bunny. We named him Stretch. He was black and white. My brother built a rabbit cage outside...but to this day, I always wonder if that was very good to do in Michigan...if I remember correctly, the rabbit never got to leave that big that makes me sad thinking of this...
    I really LIKE your cage and the pretty Christmas garland! Are you house-broken, Speedy??
    Lee in Texas

    1. oh yes always in my litter tray never any where else!

  13. how sweet, thank you!

    I made a play run for Bri out of "Nic cubes" (i love when you google that all the photos are of nic cube rabbit runs/houses) but it was such a pain to get in and clean it that I found it easier to just remove anything of danger in the room she was in and she finally got full run of it.. I have hardwood floors and so she never ventured past the carpet in the room she was in.

    1. Speedy likes the carpet to much!I don't really want it eaten

  14. Wow thank you so much my very first star!! thank you

  15. Love Ann's photo and I love your little bunnies!!

    1. Hehehe...Nibblet is cool,we love the bunnies too!

  16. That tree has a purrfect cat toy!
    Me gets all fainty thinking about rats in trees!

    1. Nellie!Be nice you can't play with Nibblet,xx Speedy

  17. What an adorable rat! Nibblet looks very sweet. Speedy, go have fun!

    Oink oink,
    Katie and Coccolino the mini pig

  18. Nice new pen Speedy! Lucky boy!!


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