Saturday 15 December 2012

Christmas Count Down 15th December!

Today is 15th December and that means 10 sleeps to go!WooHoo!
Here's Today's entries to my Christmas Count Down Surprize Give Away! the first is from my Friends Megan and Maddy from Me&Me(gan)
Isn't Maddy adorable?
The second entry is from the Piggies from Hutch a Good Life

Hehehe cute too!

And here is some more from our house

Don't forget its not to late to enter my Give Away so get clicking with you cameras and if you can get your selves in the photo's too even better and send them in to me at rachel dot dejong28 at googlemail dot com

And Finally my Friend Coccolino from My Mini Pet Pig is holding a give away too so go visit him to see what its all about


  1. Great pictures! I love seeing all of your wonderful friends Speedy!

  2. I love Christmas photos with pets. CUTE PIGGIES!!!! Beautiful Mad Maddie Christmas!

    1. me too,I shall have to try and do one of Speedy and our tree,xx Rach

  3. ADORABLE PHOTOS!! I wish I was allowed a house rabbit! Oh well, I have the sweetest hamster in the world instead :)

  4. What an adorable fluffy bunny! And the piggies photos look great too!

    1. Maddy is a beauty and the piggies are just too cute,xx Speedy and mum

  5. Awww thankies for putting us on your blog. Whee are loving Pigmass! Piggy kisses

    Nibbles, Nutty, Buddy & Basil

    1. Me too that is Christmas and I'm have alot of fun spreading Christmas cheer too,xxSpeedy

  6. Adorable, Speedy! And thanks for sharing!

    Oink oink,
    Katie and Coccolino the mini pig

  7. Just to clarify... that's ten nighttime sleeps, right? Doesn't include naps, does it? Too bad 'cause I can easily pack ten naps away in a day. purrs

    1. Nights definitely not naps,so impatient..hehehe,xxSpeedy


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