Monday 17 December 2012

Christmas count down 17th December

Today is 17th December,That means only 8 more sleeps till Christmas day!Yippee!
Here is today's entry to my Christmas Count Down Surprize Give away and its from Mahoney and Two Two from MargsAnimals
Curious Kittys aren't they?
The next entry is from Brittany from fuzzylittlewabbits
Isn't She gorgeous?Its not too late to enter my Christmas count down Surprize Give Away,So get you cameras out and send in your photo's of you trees and decorations with you selves in them if possible.Send them to me at rachel dot dejong28 at googlemail dot com,the last post for all entries will be Christmas Eve 24th December and the one I like the best will win a surprize gift after Christmas.Good Luck to you all!

Here is some more Christmas Photo's from my house.
Our fibre optic tree lit up

Full view of our Christmas Kitchen


  1. Such pretty, pretty photos! We are getting closer to the big day Speedy!

  2. Mahoney and TwoTwo are wondering if that is a cat bed the tree is sitting in! And that little bunny is pretty cute.

  3. Mr. Black, you are so correct. That is their cat bed the tree is sitting in. The nerve of that tree. The Person made the tree move. It is almost Christmas time Speedy. Take care.

  4. Cats and Christmas Trees Don't Mix. THat should be a public service announcement...

    1. hehehe not all cats are like Spider...hehehe xxSpeedy and Rachel

  5. Mahoney and Two Two are so cute... and that bunny is darling! I love bunny dulaps they are just so cute!

    1. Thanks Ann,the two kitties are cute so intent on the tree,And Brittany is a beauty,xx Speedy and Mum

  6. Replies
    1. Thanks Christina we will try our best,xx Speedy and Mum

  7. These are so much fun! What a neat idea this is.

    1. Thanks Bunnits...this is so much fun it makes Christmas very exciting,xxSpeedy

  8. Thank you for your christmas photos - makes me feel all Christmasey!!

  9. Oh we love popping over to see all the festive going on's Speedy :) Have a funtastic Tuesday Speedy xx00xx

    Mollie and Alfie

    1. I love you guys coming over here,you guys are so much fun,xxSpeedy

  10. Speedy, Is yous getting excited? Me is! Me has been thundering around the house a t a zillion miles an hour and playing with all my toys and the toys on my cat toy tree. Mommy says me is chanelling my inner kitten!
    Me LOVES the shots today!
    Sweet Cat (or kitten) Kisses

    1. are too and its so much fun!glad Allred is back safe and sound,xx Speedy

  11. They sure are cute. We love seeing your decorations!

    Oink oink,
    Katie and Coccolino the mini pig

    1. Hehehe thanks Katie and Cocco,this is fun!xx Speedy

  12. Aw, Brittany is such a cute little bunny! And you have so many wonderful Christmas decorations, Speedy!

  13. Great pics! and I so enjoy seeing pics of your home every day! Speedy is such a cutie!
    Merry Christmas to you and all your sweeties!
    Lee in Texas

    1. Thanks lee,speedy really is and he loves a good cuddle too,xxRach

  14. Brittany is a gorgeous bunny!! we have been so enjoying your special photos of furriends and their christmas decor Speedy, thank you, Savannah


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