Tuesday 10 December 2013

Christmas Count Down December 10th!

Its that time again for my Christmas Count Down!Can you believe its only 15 days till the main event?It's getting so exciting and I have received 26 cards so far Mum and dad only 3...hehehe!Anyway time for the next entry to my count down and its from Doc and Fozziemum she has been very creative with this arty photo.
You can still enter send you photo's in to my mum at rachel.dejong28@googlemail by 10pm UK time on 24th December.

Yesterday Nissy gave me this pawsome award so I have decided who to pass it on to
Nylablue and her Mum,Auntie Brandi,Fuzzy Creatures,Hutch a Good Life,Mollie and Alfie,Savannah,Misaki I would also like to pass it on to my Auntie Jane even though she doesn't have a blog,she has been a true friend and follower plus she is My Favourite Texan Auntie!

I am keeping up with the power of Paw for my friends from Brian's Home and my pal Nylablue and her mum as they are all doing much better but still need our love.

And for those who haven't had a chance to fill out the survey for my Pal Dalton here's the link again https://www.surveymonkey.com/s/small_animal


  1. That is another lovely one Speedy. Have a terrific Tuesday.
    Best wishes Molly

  2. Congratulations on another award, Speedy!

  3. SPEED RACER! teehehehehehehe....you are getting more cards than mummy? There's my boy, you popular rabbit, you! I am loving this countdown chez toi; you put on a great party my friend! XOXOXOXO Anita

    1. hehehe yes Auntie Anita and thanks too,xx Speedy

  4. THANK YOU!!!!!
    Speedy, nephew, I am SO COLD here in Oklahoma. You would not believe how much hot tea I am going through trying to keep my hands and chest warm. HoW MUCH TEA???
    Glad you asked...
    SO MUCH tea that I think I am becoming BRITISH!
    I am starting to call my tea cookies BISCUITS! I am also starting to dislike the French and ended my evening prayers last night with God Save The Queen...

    1. Keep drinking the tea Auntie Brandi we will make you English Yet,keep warm,xx Speedy

  5. Congrats Speedy , so happy for you :)

  6. Fozziemum's arty photo has become one our favorites in the contest. Concats on the award. We also got that one from Nissy. We don't plan to post until Thuesday. Hope there will be somebuddy left to give it to. Purrs and hugs, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo

    1. Hehehe we like it too.I'm sure there will lots to pass it on to,xx Speedy

  7. Hey Speedy!
    Wow, what a beautiful holiday scene! Your countdown is really great and after my peeps decorate this weekend I hope to send you a pix. Congrats on your big award!
    Grr and Woof,
    Sarge, Pol Comm

  8. What a terrific picture!! ConCats on your great award Speedy!! :) xox

  9. wow--that is such a beautiful pic!!! You are getting lots of pretty ones to see!!
    Keep warm!

    1. I know its so exciting,you keep warm too,xx Speedy

  10. We like that card, Speedy. And congrats on your award.

  11. Congrats on your award Speedy! it's such a pretty one :) and thanks for posting our pic :) have a great day hugs Fozziemum xx

  12. Whoa is that really a photo? Pretty cool!

    1. It is indeed of Doc in front of the tree and Dinnermintz by the door..the phone had a new arty app and I love how old world it makes a summery xmas scene here look :)

  13. lovely photo and congtaulations on your award

  14. I see you're still ahead in the card contest at your house! I like that artsy card from Fozziemum! Congratulations on getting that new award from Nerissa too.....it's quite pretty like all the ones he designs!!!

    Kitty Hugs, Sammy

    1. I totally agree with you ,I love Nissy's awards,xx Speedy

  15. Yup, I kinda get more mail than the peeps, too. PLUS, the mail I get is WAY BETTER than theirs.


  16. Oh, Speedy, this great honour will be treasured forever. Thank you and please give your dear Mum a snuggle from your favourite Texas Auntie.

  17. That's beautiful. Congrats on your award.
    Sue B

  18. Fer us?? We wnated diz award so much...ahhh PHANK YA so much Speedy n Miss Rachel...diz iz da purrfect end to a purrfect day!!! (We iz here a day after ya gave us da award)...we beehind wif bloggiez purr usual.
    Aunti Bev shure iz artsie....she sent me da nicest photo card wif a BIG ROO photo on it....apawz apawz fer Aunti Bev!
    Lub Nylalbue n Mum xoxo

    1. Of course for you sweetie,it is a prefect day,we got that one too,xx Seedy

  19. Congrats on your award and thanks so much for sharing it with me xx

  20. Well done on award xx


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