Friday 6 December 2013

Christmas Count down December 6th!

Today is December 6th so its another day of my Christmas count down,you can still enter by sending in your photo's of you tree and decorations and if you can get your selves in them to that would be great!send them to my mummy by December 2th 10pm UK time for the final post on Christmas Day.
Any how here is the next entry and its from Molly the Wally its a special one for Pip as she can't get about and may be her last Chrimbo so they brought the Park to their home!

And could this day get any better?Travelling Cats Just nominated Me for Blog of the year 2013 which is so cool.
Thanks for passing it on to Me,will pass it on tomorrow as I need to think about who to pass it on to next!.

Here is another peek at my Christmas home!The cards are special ones from daddy to mummy and mummy to daddy and some from me to from last year and previous years.

Please Keep the power of Paw going for Gracie and Her siblings at Brians Home they are on the mend but we want to keep it going and for my Pal Nylablue and her mum

And continuing with my Mission from Dalton here's the link for the Survey about Rabbits Guinea pigs and small animals and their owners for those of you who haven't filled it out yet


  1. That is such a cool thing to bring the park home for Pip! :)
    Congratulations on your award, Speedy!

    1. yes it was to bad pip only enjoyed it for a little while,xx Speedy

  2. That is a very interesting and beautiful tree :) Congratulations to Speedy

  3. Congratulations on your award Speedy. Well deserved we say. Thank you for hosting my tree for Pippin.
    Have a fabulous Friday.
    Best wishes Molly

  4. Congratulations on your award, Speedy!

  5. Oh wow, Molly's tree looks fantastic! Love it because it's not like most trees that you see. Very cute!

  6. That is a nice idea to bring the park indoors for Pip.

  7. Molly The Wally's Christmas Tree IS KILLER PAWESOME!!!!!!! I LOVE IT!!!!
    Oh, Everyone go to Disapproving Rabbits and say farewell to Bill and Sharon! I am still crying a little!!

    1. yes it is and OMG why?why must they stop,xx Speedy

  8. Congratulations on the Award, Speedy! Very deserved :) Pawkiss :)

  9. What a sweet thing to do for Pip. It is clever, unique and beautiful. Concats on the Blog of the Year award. You definitely deserve it. Purrs and hugs, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo

  10. That is really nice. So pretty too. Congrats on your award Speedy.
    Sue B

  11. Such pretty decorations! Congrats on your award, Speedy!!

  12. I like your cards and deco garlands---are they on your banister? I must have all my xmas pics on the other computer, as I couldnt' find anything last night or now...I am enjoying each day's new pics!!
    Lee in Texas

    1. Thanks lee yes they are,glad you are loving it,xx Speedy

  13. Oh you are keeping us so excited!!!!!

  14. Congratulations!
    Love Molly's tree

  15. Oh how I am truly enjoying seeing all the creatures' abodes and how they celebrate this lively time of year! Hello Speedy boy and mum! Anita

    1. We are so glad you are enjoying this Auntie Anita,xx Speedy

  16. Congrats on the award Speedy AND we just love Molly's decorations! This is so much fun seeing how everyone is getting ready for Christmas!!

    Kitty Hugs, Sammy

  17. What a lovely idea to share efurryone's christmas trees. I like Molly's!
    I will try and get mine in to you!
    ~Lickies, Ludo
    (Oh, and I guess Arran)

  18. Such beautiful decorations! Me-Ommmmmmm!
    And woowoooos from Ku!

  19. Hurrah Speedy on da Award...ya iz da mostest deeservin Bunneh fer shure!!
    Me purrsuaded Mum to put da Winter/Catmess display up n we sent yer Mum 2 pix. We cuud not get Mum in da piccie...she sayz she lookz me got into da pic hopez ya can post dem together so peeple can haz a laff 'cause me iz hoggin da cammyra in da ferst piccie!!! Me iz stable ya nose it iz a rollercoastur. Me will be goin back to da Vet on Tuesday fer Recheck n da usual shotz n Mirtazipine...sadly me must take it ebery week or me lossez appytite n can not find it :( Mum iz not az upset az she waz da past 2 weekz n her Deepresshun iz calmin down too. We meowed bout fingz n we deecided we had to makez sum changez at Da Purrfect Pad! Little fingz like MUM NOT DOIN STOOPID STUFF n me bein calmer at da Vet'z...MOL....So Speedy n Miss Rachel dat iz our uppydate to ya both!! WE LUBZ ya both n say PHANKZ fer dem purrayerz....dey iz werkin guud...even Brian n Gracie are feelin bettur each day!!!
    ~~head rubz~~ Nylablue n ((HUGZ)) frum Mum

    1. Keep taking your meds sweetie,and you look fab,xx Speedy

  20. What a lovely tree and congratulations on your award

  21. Congratulations on your award, Molly's tree looks great.


  22. Hi Speedy! We don't decorate for Christmas or any other holiday, so it's nice to share other people's decorations with them. woo woo woo!

  23. Molly's tree is so sweet, such a lovely idea xxx


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