Sunday 1 December 2013

Let My Chrismas Count Down Comence!

Yay the 1st December is here so let my Christmas Count Down Commence!
To enter just take some photos of your Christmas decorations and Tree with you in the photo of possible if not that's OK,and email them to my mum by 10pm UK time on 24th December for the last post on Christmas day.There will be 3 little prize's 3rd 2nd and 1st place for my Favourite photo's.The plan is to have at least one entry each day to post but the more the merrier I say,so get Clicking with those camera's!
Here are the first 2 entries to my competition the first is from my friend Lee in Texas of her out side display!

And the next one is from my Auntie Brandi who has 2 great blogs that you should go and visit Bug and Spider VS. The Evil Bunny Tetrarchy! and The Spaghetti Sandwich.

And here is a Little peek at our Christmas home too!
See the Bunnies?
And here is Mummies fresh bake Christmas Cake!Wait till its Decorated!

Please Give the Power of Paw to our Friends Gracie and Brian and his other sisters as they are all poorly at the moment Brian's Home and to My other pal Nylablue as she is continuing with her treatment to stay with us Nylablue and Sherri-Ellen


  1. Cute bunnies and tasty cake :DD


  2. I am purring lots for Gracie and the rest of Brian's family, and for Nylablue too! I hate having so many friends sick. :-(

  3. I will be sending a picture to you late next week xx

  4. What a great idea. It's fun to see everyone's Christmas decorations. These are all so lovely including yours. Your mum's cake looks yummy!

    We are so worried about Gracie. We don't know Nylablue but hope that she will be ok.

  5. Speed ticket! teehe....sorry, every time I greet you little one, I come up with another Speedy name! Hello there my fuzzy little one! So good to see you and mum have started the festivities! I will send mummy a photo from the inside of my magical theatre...more to follow! BIG HUGS and I love your new header mi man! Auntie Anita

  6. Oh Speedy, youz got us singing all the carols now... What a super Bunny Kick, to start out celebrations :) Woohoooooo xxooxxxx

    Mollie and Alfie

  7. Speedster! I see you came to visit me! Oh how I adore you so; thank you for your kind and warm comments; they mean the world to ME!

    I will send you a pic and wow, do those chocolate goodies look fabulous! XOXOXO

  8. Nice decorations! Very nice, indeed. And I love what you've done with your blog header, Speedy. So festive. My, you are REALLY gettin' into the Christmas spirit, for sure!


  9. Yow Miss Rachel phankz fer callin me Mu today!! Ya cheered her up alot. Me iz havin a bit of an 'off' day n just sleepin told Mum not to wurry...what waz me finkin?? MOL.
    We iz doin da power of da paw here fer Brian n Gracie kittehz!! we iz so sad da so many kittehz n poochiez n other 4 leggedz have gone to Summerland in da last few monthz..Mum sayz it iz an Exxydus..whatever DAT iz?? She told me she hopez me not part of diz yet...
    We iz gonna wait til Chanukkah iz over wif n den Mum can do da Winter display n send ya pix...
    Da Catmess pix ya haz so far are lubly!
    Purrleeze give Speedy *kissez* frum us here n once again phankz fer phonin Mum <3
    Much Lub frum Nylablue n Sherriellen Mum xoxoxox

    1. Aww thanks,Mummy loved talking to your mummy too,to many sick friends,xx Speedy

  10. All you Christmas decorations are amazing Speedy. Love how the bloggy looks too! Me-Ommmmm, Zoe and Ku and pack

  11. This was such a cute and cozy post. Have a lovely Sunday.

  12. You are looking very festive Speedy. Last year mum didn't decorate until Christmas Eve. I have told her she has to be earlier this year.

  13. mmmmm..... Christmas cake! Yummy!

    Jen stopped by the bakery and saw a fruitcake and was tempted......

  14. I am sending healing thoughts for Nylablue and all of Brian's family. Pretty decorations. That cake looks yummy.
    Sue B

  15. Looks like you are all set for Christmas. Now the biggest job is not to be naughty

    1. Who Me?hehehe Nah not me I'm Just cheeky!xx Speedy

  16. Those are some great holiday decorations, Speedy. They really are getting us into the spirit!

  17. Speedy, thank you for putting me in the proper frame of mind. Even with today being the first Sunday of Advent, I wasn't quite there, but you have worked your Speedy Magic on me. Looking forward to all the fun photos. As usual, we will put our tree up late, so my submissions will be dragging in at the last minute.

  18. LOve your blog top with the gorgeous pictures~ Thanks for posting mine..hehe, I was in the middle of still having Thanksgiving here and the decorating! it looks way better now, that it is all done outside and inside!!
    I sure hope Nylablue feels better and is out of pain...feel so sorry for her. and any other sweet little animal...I hate for ANY to be in pain or cold.. Merry Christmas to all!
    Lee in Texas

    1. time flies doesn't ,Nylablue is holding her own which is good,xx Speedy

  19. WOW! Thanks for this wonderful first day of Advent!

    1. Awww thanks Auntie Jane,when do we get to see your's?xx Speedy

  20. We are just all caught up in the festivities and sending all our good thoughts to those who need them too ... Thanks for reminding us ...

  21. Hi Speedy, great decoration at your home! Thanks for the reminder to our mom that the Christmas countdown has started. Because decoration done here: Zero!
    Your piggy friends Luna and Luigi, who are looking forward to their first Christmas.

    Our paws are crossed for your friends!

  22. Yay! I love looking at all the photos of everyone's Christmas stuff. I better get moving with mine too

  23. Love your new festive look Speedy. Please remind us later this week and as soon as our tree is up we will send you a pic. Have a marvellous Monday.
    Best wishes Molly

  24. That cake looks absolutely delicious! Please post a photo of it once it's decorated. We bet it must taste really yummy.

    1. we will mummy say's it is yummy so does dad,xx Speedy

  25. Sweeties, have a nice week and a good Monday!

  26. Sweet ones! I left a Google+ message that I need your email addy so I can send in my picture! When you can....LOVE! Anita

  27. Speedy tell your mum we are emailing a picture :-)

  28. I'm hoping we'll put up our tree next weekend so will send you my pic shortly afterwards.
    Your mummy's cake looks yummy. My mummy has made hers too, but its soaked in sherry lol

  29. What a super event, Speedy. It's so cool to see all the trees and the decorations! (and your mom's tasty cake!)

    1. hehehe she needs to post the recipe again,xx Speedy

  30. That Christmas cake looks super yummy, and our mommy would like to know if you will share the recipe. We like your Auntie Brandi's tree bunches. We'll try to get our mom to send in a photo. Purrs and hugs, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo

  31. Ok, as soon as I get decorating, I will send some pics in!! :) Christmas cake looks yummy!! xox S

  32. It's beginning to feel a lot like Christmas. I wish I had a job to buy presents. By the way I rescued another puppy again, this time by myself. 'Tis the season of giving and loving.

    1. This is good news,you can always make Presents,xx Speedy

  33. Oh, Speedy, we almost missed all of your posts. That Christmas decorations brings us in the mood for Christmas. It looks all so feasty on your blog. Now I know why Granny is singing all the Christmas Carols :) Pawkiss :)

    1. Awww thats ok,as long as you're inspired now,xx Speedy


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