Friday 20 December 2013

Christmas Count down December 20th!

Well only 5 days to go on my Christmas count down and I still need more entries so get those photos in to my Mummy at [email protected] by Christmas eve 10pm UK time.The next entry is from The Slimmer Puggums

Don't forget to take a look at the Google Christmas Magic Gallery from earlier today
and if any more get sprinkled with magic I'll add them to the gallery

Oh I almost forgot with Disapproving rabbits no longer posting I have decided to do a Disapproving Rabbits Tribute day starting in the new year so any buunys wanting to join in send your photos in to my mummy to the email above.


  1. We have so enjoyed these Speedy and we will miss them.
    Have a fabulous Friday.
    Best wishes Molly

  2. Dang, we loved the Disapproving Rabbits.

  3. Have a nice day my sweet friends!

  4. So pretty. Christmas pictures are the best

  5. Dem Slimmer Puggumz haz a grrreat tree!!! It iz so twinkley!!
    Maybee me shuud ask Mum fer twinklyez fer our tree....MOL>>>
    Do ya want another piccie of our display since Eesha n her giftz showed up?? Me can ask Mum!!
    Lub Nylablue xxx

    1. yes it is sorry sweet girl about not getting to this before,xx Speedy

  6. That looks pretty and festive. Mum took some photos of me by the tree then realised she had the flash turned off so my face is all blurry.

  7. HeySpeedy!
    Mes is going to trys to takes a picture and mes wants to takes a picture of our Reindeer Ranch!!
    Me knows time is getting running out....
    Nellie Bellie

  8. THis room looks SO COZY and Christmassy!!! I love today's pic!...I am new. Who are the Disappearing Rabbits? oops---disAPPROVING rabbits! haha.
    Hey, Nellie!! a Reindeer Ranch???? cool!
    Merry Christmas, Everyone. Give all your little furry ones hugs & kisses from me!
    Lee in Texas

  9. Their house looks very festive!

  10. I love all the trees! It's like christmas every day - many thanks Speedy!

  11. Wow, those Slimmer furiends have a beautiful tree scene! Thanks for sharing this with us, Speedy and I hope you get more for the next few days.
    Grr and a Festive Woof,
    Sarge, Furiend

  12. I've really been enjoying these, Speedy. Thanks for making the season even more festive. :)

  13. Okay, I'll see if I can find a few pics. Have a lovely Sunday.

  14. Very beautiful. I have loved all the photos.
    Sue B

  15. Beautiful setting xx

  16. Just beautoful Speedy..the Puggums littl stockings are way too cute :) hugs Fozziemum xx


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