Tuesday 3 December 2013

Christmas Count Down December 3rd!

Its December 3rd time for the next post in my Christmas Count Down,the next entry is from Auntie Anita at Castles and Crowns Cottages
Its your turn Auntie Jane....hehe....any way, you can still enter for a chance at winning 1 of 3 prize's by sending in your photo's of your Christmas decoration or tree with you in the photo if possible if not don't worry to my Mummy at [email protected] by 10pm on Dec 24th!The aim is to have at least one entry each day but the more the merrier I say!
Here is another peak of my Christmas Home!

Please send the power of paw to my Friends At Brian's Home as Gracie is very poorly and Some of her Sisters and Brian are a little bit poorly too and to My Friend Nylablue who is poorly too


  1. That's just wonderful, Speedy. Hope I will finish my tree till chsitmas :o)

  2. Speedy hope to have our tree up by the weekend so just keep up reminding us and we will certainly send ours in. Have a terrific Tuesday.
    Best wishes Molly

  3. So festive! We can't believe its December Never mind almost Christmas

  4. Bootiful!!!!!! Love the tree..........

    Kitty Hugs, Sammy

  5. OMD i have been so buzy looking at all the wonderful countdown pictures I forgot to send mine in,,BOL I got a beautiful card today :) Thank you xxooxxx

    Mollie and Alfie

    1. hehehe still time to get it in Mollie and you're welcome,xx Speedy

  6. Beautiful. Sending more healing thoughts to everyone.
    Sue B

  7. OOOOO! I AM FINALLY HERE! Speedster, THANK YOU for featuring my little bunny theatre! MERRY CHRISTMAS TO ALL! Auntie Anita

  8. Oh, Nyla Blue is still not well? Love and healing to all...

  9. Beautiful tree! Once our own tree is up and ready we will send in a photo. :)

  10. Those are some pretty decorations, Speedy.

  11. Sorry to hear Nylablue is not well...special wishes to her,esp at this Christmas season! Speedy, the pics are again great to see!! keep 'em coming!

  12. That is a really beautiful tree. It could win a prize. Purrs and hugs, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Lisbeth and Calista Jo

  13. Oh Speedy how pretty the pictures are..i must send a piccie in before Easter hahahha :0 us hoomans are not so Speedy ;) hugs Fozziemum xxx

  14. Que hermosa decoración amiga mia

    El blog con olor a la Navidad y Speedy guapisimo!!!

    Gracias por compartir y por siempre estar

    Besitos mi niña

  15. Such a lovely Christmas Tree. Be a Christmas Bunny now. Me and my new puppy Parker, wish you a happy holiday season.

    1. Awww thanks,we wish the same to you too,xx Speedy

  16. I am too lazy to put up Christmas decorations that elaborate but I enjoy seeing everyone else's! :)

    1. Awww thanks but try just a little please,xx Speedy

  17. Love both of it :) Pawkiss :)

  18. Phankz Speedy fer sendin out da *Power of da Paw*....we all needz it it seemz...
    Dat tree iz so purrty..sumtimez me wishez we cuud have a big tree....but no room...
    Lub Nylablue xx

  19. Your bloggy is so christmassy - love it:-) Mummy and I are putting our tree up on sunday - yay!


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