Tuesday 17 December 2013

Christmas Count Down December 17th!

Phew what a busy exciting time I've had along with my pal Nissy,I hope you enjoyed our adventure looking for Peter Twinkletoes.Now it's time to get on with the competition and don't forget you have till 24th December 10pm UK time to get your entries in so get snapping with those camera's of you if possible( if not no worries )and you trees and Decorations.
      The next Entry is from Sarah and 2 of her cats Eugene and Blanca at Three Cats and a Girl.

and the next entry is from Lee in Texas she managed to send some better photos so we are adding these to her entry,here are 3 of her kitties and her indoor tree and her out door lights

Our friends from Brian's home are well on the way to being better with Gracie settled in back at home and my friend Nylablue is holding her own but still need the power of paw so let keep it going ,xx Speedy

and for those who haven't had a chance to enter my pal Dalton's small animal survey here's the link for that https://www.surveymonkey.com/s/small_animal


  1. Some buddy looks a bit mischievous under the tree

  2. so beautiful photos :D, the outdoor looks stunning

  3. I'm gonna get my cats a Christmas tree, and see how long it keeps standing.

  4. Love the outdoor lights!!
    Love Milo :)

  5. Lovely and we really like the out door lights.
    Have a terrific Tuesday.
    Best wishes Molly

  6. Just beautiful. Everyone's homes are so festive.
    Sue B

  7. Beautiful ... and the excitement continues to build!

  8. Oh what lovely cats those are!

  9. We're getting in the mood, Speedy... :) Pawkiss :)

  10. WOW! I had to plow through miles of snow to get here, but I am HERE SPEEDY BUNNY!

    Love to see all of the festivities you and mum have provided for our pleasure, and I just want to tell you how much joy YOU have given me this year!

    Wishing you and mummy a safe and FUN-FILLED CHRISTMAS! I will be back! Auntie Anita

    1. See you when you get back,hope you Christmas was as fun as mine.xx Speedy

  11. Speedy we TOTALLY loved the story you and Nissy told....it was fab! Also, the Christmas decoration photos that you're getting are keeping us in the mood here....love the outdoor ones especially!

    Holiday Hugs, Sammy

  12. Wow I feel very christmassy now :-)

  13. We feel all christmassy x

  14. How beautiful these pictures all are...so lovely to see..thanks for sharing Speedy :) hugs Fozziemum xxx

  15. So beautiful they all are Speedy..thankyou for sharing everyones pictures hugs Fozziemum xx

  16. Lovely Christmas decor. Hey, Speedy! I got the Christmas card you sent me! Super nice! I love it!

  17. It's so great to see all the wonderful trees and the decorations. Many thanks to all and to you Speedy, your christmas count down rocks!

  18. Purrty decorations and purrtier kitties

  19. Phankz fer da *power of da paw* purrayerz!!! 7 dayz til me 12th Birfday....we werkin on it!!!
    Now we must say Lee'z 3 kittehz are just about da cutest kittehz nappin on da sofa wif da tree...
    Eugene n Binace purrty too...we all look so twinklee at Catmess don't we??
    Much lub to ya Speedy n Miss Rachel frum Nylablue n Sherriellen Mum xoxoxoxo

  20. YAY...more great holiday photos from our buddies round the world! Love all the magic Google has added to people's photos....way way cool!

    Holiday Hugs, Sammy

  21. I love seeing everyone's holiday pics, especially seeing my babies on here :) Thanks for posting!!! xo


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