Thursday 19 December 2013

Christmas Count Down December 19th!

WooHoo not long now to the main event of Christmas Day....exciting isn't it?
So time for some more entries to my Christmas Count Down and remember there is still time to get you Photo's in to my mummy but the deadline is 10pm on Christmas eve UK time!send them to [email protected]
This entry is from Ann Pawsitively Pets with her pooch Shiner
And this is the one I have been waiting patiently for as it is of my Girl Maddy at Me&Me(gan) she is also on instagram too: itsmad_dy .Isn't she absolutely Gorgeous in this Photo?
And My friend Nylablue and her Mum have birthdays coming up next week!so lots of paw power for them Please.


  1. Did Maddy help decorate the tree? She looks so proud of herself!

  2. OMD the last one ... priceless Speedy.
    Have a tremendous Thursday.
    Best wishes Molly

  3. I guessed it as I saw the picture. It's Shiner and her beautiful tree. I love the picture of your Maddy, she is super cute Bunny. You are a lucky boy, Speedy!

  4. Speedy, I have just been through the last few gorgeous festive photos! What a treat. I almost makes the human take off her "Bah Humbug" hat ;) We still haven't got any decs up :( but she has a good excuse as my human uncle is busy moving and she is helping him :) xox

  5. Meow they are some furry nice Christmas Countdown photos my pal Speedy

  6. That is a lovely Christmas tree that Shiner has.
    Maddy looks very cute sat up next to the snowman.

  7. Well look at this little belle here, a Christmas Bunny indeed! And may the power of the paw always be amongst you all my sweet little nephew and his mummy! Thank you, you two, for coming to visit my post today! Love is all around for both beast and peep!

  8. Our Maddy is just too precious for Christmas Wishes! She always takes the best pictures, She must know when mom gets the camera out!

    1. Aww Auntie Brandi,she is just the cutest,xx Speedy

  9. Teeeheee...I see you hopped on over to my blog post, you cheeky little boy, YOU! Well precious Speed-o-meter....oh oh....there I go again with your name! I have had so much with you this year, and I am having fun counting down with you! Squishy hugs to you....Auntie Anita!

  10. So precious!! Both pics are so adorable!!! <3!!!

  11. Aw love that photo of Maddy! How sweet! And Shiner says thank you for including her on your Christmas Countdown!

  12. Ann's tree is beautiful, and Maddy is just too cute!

  13. Speedy, you have some really nice friends, and I am very grateful for their sharing and all the work you and Mum are putting in on the Christmas Countdown. The top tree is lovely, they all have been. I really like it when they come with attendees - bunnies, kitties, doggies, any and all of our buddies.

    Because of Auntie Brandi's cartoon, I am a little concerned about bunnies fraternizing with Snow People. I that little carrot nose safe?

    1. Hehehehe Yes i believe the carrot nose is safe to much hard work when we have mums and dads around,xx Speedy

  14. I have loved seeing all the pictures---and this MADDY,the bunny, hiding among all the decos is the most fascinating pic!!! I love it (reminds me of ET)....such a squishably soft bunny to hug! haha. Merry Christmas to everyone---all of your pictures have been thoroughly enjoyed!
    I get to celebrate Christmas a little early: this Saturday! My son and granddaughter will come over for dinner and gifts. I'll still get to go over to my son's on Christmas Day , but he is not sure what time of day Kendall will be over....she gets to spend the week at her mother's...divorce is not easy, so this way I get to have them over HERE to enjoy the decorations!! (and I dont' have to lug all the gifts over there. lol)...I will save a present for each to take on C Day, so it will still be fun! I hope all of you will have a happy, loving day!
    Lee in Texas

  15. what a wonderful photo of Maddy, looking all festive!

  16. Awesome Speedy!!!! I love all photos!

  17. Aww both photos are adorable.
    Sue B

  18. *kiss kiss kiss* Maddy.....she iz beeuteefull!!!
    Shiner iz quite a handsum poochie too.
    Izn't it lubly how many pix ya haz gotten fer da countdown Speedy??
    We shure enjoyin diz.
    Much lub frum Nylablue n Sherriellen Mum xoxoxo

  19. Beautiful pictures again Speedy festive and cute :) hugs Fozziemum xxx

  20. That last one is a wheeking great photo!

  21. Like Lola Mae, Maddy has stolen our hearts. We know we don't get to vote, but we think she should win first prize. That pose is just so precious. Purrs and hugs, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo


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