Friday 1 June 2012

Speedy's Speeding Day!

This afternoon I was sat on the back door step doing a little bit of knitting and keeping Speedy company,an impossible task trying to knit while you have a Rex bunny trampolining on you.There I am trying not to laugh to much and not drop any stitches at the same time or anything else for that matter when off Speedy when down to the bottom garden to his favourite marking corner.Then all of a sudden I hear super fast feet pattering up the path when I look up there's Speedy going full pelt up past me to the front garden I could hear him skidding to a halt then turn around and zoomed past me done to the bottom garden then turn and come back again skidding to a halt by my feet.He had such a wild look of mischief on his face that I was in fits of laughter but then I dropped my knitting from laughing too much! To top it all Speedy zoomed off again and binkyed up in the air!I so wished I had my camera with me.I guess Speedy has had a lovely International Binky Day!Heeheehee!


  1. Mick will do that once in a while--it's always amazing to see how fast he can run when he really wants to. :)

  2. Wow oh wo - where does he get that energy? I am pooped just thinking about it ... woof.

  3. awww that Speedy is a character for sure!

  4. Well Speedy's young and full of beans but he has been enjoying his cuddles more since we got back so I guess he missed us!and he has developed an interest in the other grandma shed every time somebody leaves the gate open he's in the shed digging at something right at the back and the only person who he'll come out for is me anybody else he'll pop his head out for but then goes back in and digs some more,very cheeky that bun is


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