Sunday 18 December 2022

2 celebrations for the price of one!

 Hello Blogville its you one and only Gossip Bunny with your Unofficial Countdown to all things Christmassy and for the Holiday Season!

Today is a pondering day as today is the 18th of December it marks the start of the final week of my unofficial countdown where billions of us around the world will be celebrating Christmas with our families. But today also marks the 1st day of Hanukkah the 8 day holiday for our Jewish friends and Families. Which ever holiday you celebrate this week is a big week for us all. Its a week where we spend more time together showing how much we care about each other. And to that even my own dad stepped up to get some Christmas photos for me and my Mummy while she was at work these are from the small local garden center that is a couple of minutes up the road from us

There's not much left of their Christmas stuff but it is pretty in an minimalistic way, good job by my dad is all I can say. Where ever you are enjoy your holiday this week.
Now its time for Todays Jacquie Lawson Hanukkah card just click on the link to view it...

1st Day of Hanukkah Card

And its Also time for todays Jacquie Lawson Christmas Card too, just click on the link to view it

December 18th Jacquie Lawson Christmas Card

This week there will be 2 cards each day one for Hanukkah and one for Christmas I hope you enjoy both cards...

until next time xoxo Little Miss Titch


  1. Your dad did a great job finding the pretty Christmas displays at your local garden center.

  2. You sure find the magic of Christmas sweet Titch!

  3. TW and Pop went out for a wreath yesterday/. The garden center was selling everything left for half price so they got a pretty decorated wreath and picked up some errant branches for about $17. Hope our condo will smell a little Christmasy now.


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