Friday 16 December 2022

My Snowy adventure 1st one ever!

 Hello Blogville its your one and only Gossip Bunny with your Unofficial Countdown to all things Christmassy and the Holidays.

With Only a couple of days till the start of Hanukkah we're also heading towards the final week Counting down to Christmas. It's nice that those who celebrate Hanukkah and those that celebrate Christmas are able to celebrate at the same time making this holiday season more inclusive and with that in mind I will be sending out Hanukkah cards to those that celebrate that holiday and Christmas Cards to those that Celebrate Christmas starting From Monday but I will share the links for both here for everybody.

Now as you know we in the UK have been having some proper winter weather... and we even had a little snow in my neck of the woods! Mums says that it is rare for us to have snow so here is my 1st adventure in the Snow... 

There is more but that's for tomorrows Post! Now its time for todays Jacquie Lawson Christmas Card, just click on the link to enjoy

December 16th Jacquie Lawson Christmas Card

Until next time xoxo Little Miss Titch


  1. WOW sweet Titch, you had quite the snow adventure!

  2. It looks like you had a fantastic time on your first snowy adventure. I hope your paws didn't get too cold!

  3. How fun it was that you got to play in the snow. We finally got some proper snow here, but we wish we had more.


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