Friday 2 December 2022

Unofficially counting down to Christmas

 Hello Blogville Its your one and only Gossip Bunny with her Unofficial Count Down to Christmas!

So this year will be my second Christmas celebration and I know more about all of this now compared to last year when I was still a baby and had know idea what Christmas was all about. I'm enjoy this Holiday season this year now that I know how much fun it is. Do you enjoy this time of year? Please tell me all about it, I want to know all about how you celebrate with your families both human and furry kind.

Here are some short videos of the Christmas lights at The Range...

And of course we can't forget the Link to our Next Christmas card from Jacquie Lawson in my unofficial Advent for you all, just click on the link below to view it

Jacquie Lawson Christmas E-card for 2nd December

And for those who want to know Roddy AKA Rodette gained some more weight she is now 566g! Yippee for her!

Until next time xoxo you one and only Gossip Bunny Little Miss Titch


  1. That looks like a great place to pick out any kind of holiday decoration you might want.

  2. Those lights sure do twinkle and sparkle sweet Titch!

  3. My momma has been busy Christmas decorating - we do Christmas BIG around here.


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