Tuesday 20 December 2022

The quandary of Christmas cards

 Hello Blogville its you one and only Gossip Bunny with all your unofficial countdown to all things Christmassy and the Holidays...

We have a quandary about Christmas cards....As you know last year Mummy and me had a card count going and mum said that she and Speedy used to do the same thing. But this year I wasn't sure I wanted to do that as with all the postage strikes going one trying to send and receive mail is and impossible task and when we add in the the cost well we cut back a lot. We only mailed a few in this Country to mainly family and close friend and used a website across the pond to send out a couple of card to immediate family which was expensive at £4.24 English pounds each! So we made the conscious decision to just send out Ecards this year to the rest of our friends and families apart from the ones we can hand out locally in person. 

Then we wasn't sure how to blog this year either until I said to mummy how about we do and unofficial countdown and share the links to the Christmas cards each day like a special fun Advent Calendar for you all to enjoy! So that is what we have been doing each day and for the most part everybody has been enjoying it all though those that no longer want to receive the cards by email have been telling us and we have been slowly taking them off our address book and respecting their wishes and those that don't open their cards will also be slowly taken off too as we take that as a sign that for what ever reason they are no long want to receive our cards....and that's okay life happens and circumstances change.

 As for our own Card count well that has changed too...This year we are displaying all our cards together as one little family of cards....after all that's what we are.... a little family! So here are all the Christmas cards we have received so far....

It's a nice family of cards so far, So thank you to all of you who have sent them and thank you to you all who have sent thank you notes to the cards we sent by email.

Now its time for todays Jacquie Lawson Christmas Card, Just click on the links to view it...

December 20th Jacquie Lawson Christmas Card

and todays Hanukkah card, just click on the link to view it...

3rd Night of Hanukkah Card

That's all for today until next time 

xoxo Little Miss Titch


  1. We're happy to see our card made it across the pond to you. Our mom prints out our ecards so we can display all of the cards we get together. We sure have been enjoying your ecards every day and love the advent calendar concept you are doing this year, so we say, "Keep them coming"!

  2. We ar so furry happy with the cards that we have been recieving in our email from you and your Mom Miss Titch!! We did not get on the official e and snail card lists this year (Mom was too busy with other stuff) and we were LATE posting our card on the blog. It has been a heck of a winter this year. The snows started in early Novemebr and we got another foot today (with more coming in the next week). The snow is deeper than Cinnamon is tall in the yard. Us cats have not been out much. We sure enjoy watching Mom and her shovel! We send you loads of love and purrs! Keep being awesome! Your #1 Fan Boy, Marv

  3. You sure do have a lot of beautiful cards sweet Titch!


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