Monday 5 December 2022

With Only 20 days to go....

 Hello Blogville its your one and only Gossip Bunny....Good Cheer to one and all!

I have to ponder on the world this year, when all of our Human families are facing such tough times is it wrong of me to want to spread good Cheer to one and all? Is my Happiness and Joy of this season to much? Should I stop posting about pretty Christmas stuff? Should I stop posting pretty E-cards?

When is it all to much? Is it all to much? I just have to ponder about these things? sending E-cards and posting pretty lights and displays seems like a simple thing to me that doesn't cost the earth to share but can bring much Joy to most Peeps but Some don't want such a simple thing and I have to Ponder why? With only 20 days to go should I just stop and just quietly enjoy it all with just my mum and dad and not share it all with you? Or should I continue to share and those that don't want it should just not watch or look? For now I will continue to share... One room at a time....Starting with Our Passage and hall way and our Real Christmas Tree Nordmann

I hope it brings you all good cheer and my Next Jacquie Lawson E-Card brings you all good Cheer just click the link Below to view it....

5th December Jacquie Lawson Christmas Card

Until Next time xoxo Little Miss Titch


  1. We enjoy seeing all your holiday decorations. Maybe we should post some more of our decorations, too and those e-cards are so adorable...just like you Miss Titch.

  2. Very pretty decorations. I especially like all the Christmas balls on the ceiling.XO

  3. Beautiful photos sweet Titch and keep on spreading the good cheer, the world needs it and you.


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