Tuesday 13 December 2016

December 13th Day 13 of my Christmas and Holiday Countdown!

OMB it's day 13 of my Christmas and Holiday Count Down!Well to start the day let do a count of Christmas Cards in Paper I have 8 now and Mummy and Daddy have 6 and I have 10 e-cards as well of which mummy and daddy have none.....hehehe looks like I am winning this!
Now we have another offering for my Countdown and this one is from Sarge at Sarge Speaks Out.....
Sarge definitely makes a great Santa Paws....what do you think? And next we have Rowena she is stepping in for Lady Jane Grey who crossed the rainbow bridge a few weeks ago.....
And I think She has done a great job too!Now I thought you would like to see the lights at the local town near where I live.....

Now you still have time to enter my Countdown all you need to do is send in your photo's of your Christmas Trees and Decorations or your Hanukkah themed photo's or seasonal holiday decoration photo's with you in them if you can and email the to [email protected] or post them on my Facebook event which is in 2 parts: Event part 1 here and Event part 2 here ! You have till 5am UK time on Christmas Morning to get you entries in as that is when Mummy turns the PC on....yes she is an early riser!All entries will be posted here and on the FB events......And remember My favourite 3 will win a surprise gift to carry on the holiday spirit a bit longer!


  1. Sarge and Rowena are adorable. Sorry about the kitty they lost. Those lights are pretty.
    Sue B

  2. Hey Speedy!
    Wow, thanks for showing off my decorations! And, your kitty friend is adorable.
    Grr and Woof,

  3. Too many are crossing lately.

  4. Both Sarge and Rowena look great.
    I like the lights in your town. Simple and elegant.

  5. Oh Speedy, your township is beautifully lit up! And Sarge is a perfect Santa Paws! teehehehehehehehhehehe

  6. Sarge lookss pawsum an Rowena iss adoorabull!!
    An yur town litess are luvley.....
    **nose bumpsss** Siddhartha Henry xxxx


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