Monday 5 December 2016

December 5th Day 5 of my Christmas and Holiday Countdown

Gosh this means there are on 20 days to go till Christmas Day!WooHoo this is so exciting! Today we are just posting some stuff from The garden Centre as Mummy has to take some more photos of our house, So here we go....

And before she stopped in to the garden centre she went to Buckfast Abbey which has been rebuilt by the Monks after King Henry the 8th dissolved all the abbeys....

They have a nice restaurant there and they had a really nice Christmas Tree too...

Now don't forget you have till 5am Christmas morning UK time to either email your photo's of your trees and decorations with you in them to [email protected] or you can post them to my Facebook event,Remember my favourite 3 will win a surprize gift after the big day to carry on the holiday spirit!


  1. EXCEPT fur the HOOOOOOOGE Snow Freak... these pics are beautiful. THANKS fur SHARING...

  2. The garden centre looks really nice, the Abbey is amazing.

  3. It worries us that Santa is taking a nap in that first picture....."WAKE UP, SANTA!!" "You got a lot to do!!"
    Wyatt and Tegan

  4. If the abbeys dissolved (in water, I guess), how come they're still standing?


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