Sunday 4 December 2016

December 4th day 4 of my Christmas and Holiday Countdown

Its December 4th day 4 of my countdown so today its a christmas selfie from a couple of years ago and then a bit more from my house...
and now a little snippet from my house...

Now don't forget you have till 5am Christmas morning UK time to either email your photo's of your trees and decorations with you in them to [email protected] or you can post them to my Facebook event,Remember my favourite 3 will win a surprize gift after the big day to carry on the holiday spirit!


  1. Your home looks very festive, Speedy! I love the garden centre too.

  2. Dearest Santa Speedy, GOOD MORNING! I am touched, I am smiling to see Christmas in your neck of the woods little man! May 2017 bring you peace and health and goodness! Loving thanks to you and mummy for always making me smile. Muchlove!

  3. A wonderful Sunday celebration dear Speedy......with hugs from Angel Sammy..............

  4. Hello Speedy,
    Your house looks nice.
    You lost some friends this week. We have a friend who died yesterday (an old lady cat)), and another one who is very sick. So we are sending you lots of love. Stay well !

  5. We are getting our tree tonight and will work on getting some pictures to you. Actually, we have a very special Christmas basket for our bunny Lulu - I know she doesn't make many appearances on the blog. We will try to get a picture of her under the tree for you.

  6. Handsome (and festive) as always, Speedy ... thank you for the smile :)

  7. Everything sure looks festive Speedy!

  8. Your home and the garden centre are looking very festive Speedy! Great holiday selfie of you, from a few years back.

  9. Yur so-o adoorabull Speedy!!!
    An thee Katmass deckoss' are so-o twinkle!!!
    Mee did mee Selfie an it iss posted on Timmy'ss bloggie butt not here....pleeze ask Aunty Rachel to check mee iss linkyed uppy propurrley ok???
    ~~head rubsss~~ Siddhartha Henry~~

  10. How festive you are! I love the idea of cards on the doors! I can't understand why the Staff didn't think of it "DOH"!! Thank you for yours, Speedy! It's beautiful! xx

  11. HI Speedy, your Palace is really looking festive. I really love those penguin birds, but peep says where they live is way too cold for a cat to go chasing around, so looks like i will be chasing mice again this Christmas! purrs ERin

  12. Such lovely decorations!! We have to get our Mama in gear and do some decorating around here!!
    Dory, Jakey, Arty & Bilbo

  13. Your decorations are lovely, and so is the garden centre.

  14. nice to see you embrace the holiday spirit!!

  15. Lovely pics! Your home looks beautiful :)

    Purrs xx
    Athena and Marie

  16. You have pretty house decorations, Speedy, it looks very festive by you ! Purrs

  17. Speedy, your house is looking very festive.

  18. Love all the decorations at your house and the garden center.
    Sue B

  19. Speedy your home looks terrific and I think you are far ahead of where our Mom is in decorating!

  20. Everything is just so beautiful and festive. Our Mom actually got a tree shot with us today, but she lopped the top off the tree - we will have to let her try again:)

    Woos - Lightning and Misty

  21. Everything looks so festive, Speedy!

  22. Gosh Speedy! Yous putting mes in a Christmasy Mood!!! Mes can't wait for Christmas this year!

  23. We are sat here in the warmth of summer going WOW Speedy has much snow!!

    I will try and get our tree picture for you.

    Happy Sunday Selfie


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