Tuesday 20 December 2016

December 20th Day 20 of my Christmas and Holiday Countdown!

OMB,we're nearly there,soon the big guy in the red suit will be paying us all a visit,I hope you're all as excited as me!Now for today's offerings...first we have....Miss Lola's Tree,her mum Jade sent this in to us.....
Look at the bunnies on the tree!!! so cool,Thanks Aunty Jade for sending it to us!Next we have Felix and Qtip in their Nativity...
Then we have Furrari and Felix with their wreath....
Then an old furfamily photo with their Daddy Larry and Aurora and Valentino...
And Finally we have the Bun's in the Sun's Tango and Pumpkin with their tree!
There will be more Offerings Tomorrow and we will had a card count Update too!
Now you still have time to enter my Countdown all you need to do is send in your photo's of your Christmas Trees and Decorations or your Hanukkah themed photo's or seasonal holiday decoration photo's with you in them if you can and email the to [email protected] or post them on my Facebook event which is in 2 parts: Event part 1 here and Event part 2 here ! You have till 5am UK time on Christmas Morning to get you entries in as that is when Mummy turns the PC on....yes she is an early riser!All entries will be posted here and on the FB events......And remember My favorite 3 will win a surprise gift to carry on the holiday spirit a bit longer!


  1. OMB we are SURE that YOUR Card Count is keeping your peeps HOPPING to TRY and catch up with you. We just LOVE all the special pictures of your furends and their Christmas and Hanukkah Decorations... Can't WAIT to see who the Lucky 3 winners are.

  2. So cute. Everyone is so festive.
    Sue B

  3. We got to keep being good cause he's watching
    Lily & Edward

  4. I love that Felix and Qtip were in their nativity scene. All of today's bunnies are adorable.

  5. Good morning Santa Speedy! WOOOWOOWOOWOOOW We are almost there! I hope you wake up to Santa placing a fun gift under your little carrot top tree! Much love!


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