Wednesday 14 December 2016

December 14th Day 14 of my Christmas and Holiday Countdown!

OMB its another day closer to the main event for all of us whether you celebrate Christmas or Hanukkah or anything else....its getting exciting now....and today its even more exciting as we have some Holiday Bunnies to share! We have Mr Beans and Friends coming up first....

and then we have Holly the Bunny and Misiek.....

Nothing better than Christmas Bunnies!

Now you still have time to enter my Countdown all you need to do is send in your photo's of your Christmas Trees and Decorations or your Hanukkah themed photo's or seasonal holiday decoration photo's with you in them if you can and email the to [email protected] or post them on my Facebook event which is in 2 parts: Event part 1 here and Event part 2 here ! You have till 5am UK time on Christmas Morning to get you entries in as that is when Mummy turns the PC on....yes she is an early riser!All entries will be posted here and on the FB events......And remember My favourite 3 will win a surprise gift to carry on the holiday spirit a bit longer!


  1. What a wonderful collection of bunny photos. I so wish we could have a bunny but we can't have hay in the house due to hubby's allergies.

  2. Those are adorable. Have a great day.
    Sue B

  3. Hey Speedy!
    Wow, what adorable festive bunny furiends! OMD they are so cute. Bunnies in santa hats. Gives me a chuckle.
    Grr and Woof,

  4. OMB... OM B..... THESE are SOOOOOOO sweet and CUTE... LOVE the Snoozing one...

  5. Now THAT'S a whole lot of very merry bunnies - hope Santa is good to all of them.

    Woos - Lightning and Misty

  6. Toe-tallee nuffin better than Katmas bunniess!! Our furend littul Precious iss getting adopted this week inn to a fur ever home! LadyMum said her Goodbyess to her yesterday at thee Pet supply store.....
    Mistur Beanss iss so hansum isn't hee???
    ~~~head rubsss~~~ Siddhartha Henry~~~ an {{{hugs}}} LadyMum

  7. Luvin the bunns and other Christmas creatures! Keep them coming!

  8. hello speedy its dennis the vizsla dog hay if their is ennything kyooter then a bunny i think it must be a bunny in an elf hat!!! ok bye


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