Saturday 3 December 2016

Goodbye to Sammy our Gentleman cat

Yesterday the heavens was joined by another star to burn bright in the sky above us and watch over us... Sammy of one spoiled cat was called to the Rainbow bridge to party with Easy and all our other pals that have already crossed
And so it is time to say goodbye to Sammy our Gentleman Cat who brought to us many fun things like the Tuesday teaser.....


  1. Was so sad to learn about Sammy. He was loved by many. He will be missed. Sending love to his mom and dad.
    Sue B

  2. We are going to miss Sammy so much. I'm sending lots of purrs to his humans.

  3. Lovely tributte Speedy an Aunty Rachel.....
    Mee did mine today all so. Furinallee thee teerss stopped flowin an wee could see thee keyboard ;)
    Speedy it was Unccle Sammy who tott mee how to bee a gentull Kat. Mee wunderfull Unccle....
    ***nose bumpsss*** Siddhartha Henry xxxxx

  4. Sammy was a special guy and will have a special place in our hearts always. That was a most wonderful tribute Speedy.

  5. Oh Speedy, my little flinty heart has been broken into pieces this week. First Easy then my Sammy....sniff...
    Mes so happy that yous is so loveable! Mes loves yous too bits.
    Your Nellie Bellie

  6. He's gone but as usual, we have to guess where.

  7. Lovely tribute. We miss our buddies Sammy and Easy and Eko so much. Hopefully, they will help their humans pick new pets to carry on the love they left unfinished. Mom's old dog helped her find me and now she lives in my belly so Mom can still give her kisses.

    Love and licks,

    Love and licks,

  8. What a beautiful tribute to Sammy. Everyone will miss him so much.

  9. That's a lovely tribute to some really awesome friends. We're so sorry that Sammy and Easy had to go to the Bridge. We will miss them both greatly. Hugs, purrs and prayers...

  10. Thank you for honoring Sammy dear Speedy and Mom Rachel.....we miss him so much but we do feel him in our hearts.

    Love, Mom Pam

  11. Wonderful tribute. Good's speed, Sammy :-(


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